i-Tree Learning Lab Resource Page


The i-Tree Learning Lab: Using i-Tree in the Classroom

This is the Developmental Website for the project partners and cooperators who are working on the i-Tree Academic Learning Lab Initiative, which aims to bring urban forest inventory and assessment into the classroom setting. This project is part of the i-Tree Academic component of the work being undertaken by the i-Tree Deveopment Team, which includes the US Forest Service and a series of cooperative partners. For more information on i-Tree, please visit www.itreetools.org.

Learning Lab Documents

Useful Links

On the Horizon

The i-Tree Learning Lab has recently presented and overview of the vision of this initiative at the National Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Based on the positive response to that meeting, the development team is moving forward on this effort on a variety of fronts. Please check back soon to see updated logistical information on how your school can participate in the important pilot testing of the new tools being developed by the i-Tree Academic team.

Staying in Touch

For more information please contact
Vicki Arthur at varthur@fs.fed.us or David Bloniarz at dbloniarz@fs.fed.us

Page last updated May 20, 2009 by dbloniarz@fs.fed.us

Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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