Management – Improved Approaches

Forest Insect Biology and Biocontrol

UNRI scientists are conducting research on the biology and ecology of indigenous insects of eastern forests and accidentally introduced insect pests and the biological control of these species using natural enemies imported from their native habitats.

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Urban Forestry Management Tools & Technology

Among the goals of UNRI researchers is to develop, apply, and test tools aimed at improving urban forest management. UNRI scientists provide models, data analysis tools, computer programs, and management recommendations to urban forestry managers and the public.

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Tree Response to Injury, Infection and Change

Current research by UNRI scientists includes tree survival strategies and tree response to disturbance. The types of disturbance investigated include storm injury, fire, changes in the soil environment, and human activity.

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Forest Inventory and Analysis

UNRI scientists are part of a national effort responsible for collecting and analyzing forest resource information for the United States. Research data and results from this analysis are useful to a variety of users, including urban foresters, forest managers and fellow researchers.

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Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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