Webcast Video Archive and Support Library
All UNRI Informational Webcasts are digitally recorded and are available for online replay and download, and supporting resources focusing on each webcast topic are provided for your use. Select a webcast from the list below and click on its name to view or download the video, and to access the resource library for the webcast session.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions -2021
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
i-Tree Instructional Workshop Series: Monthly Online Sessions
This web-based instructional series that introduces the latest tools in the i-Tree software suite, as well as brings you up to date on the improvements that have been made to the i-Tree collection of inventory, analysis and reporting tools for urban and community forests. i-Tree is a state-of-the-art, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools. The i-Tree Tools help communities of all sizes to strengthen their urban forest management and advocacy efforts by quantifying the structure of community trees and the environmental services that trees provide.
This webcast session feature Marla R. Emery, Ph.D., a Research Geographer with the U.S. Forest Service’s Northern Research Station in Burlington, Vermont, where her research examines the role of forests in providing food and sustaining cultures across a wildland-urban gradient. In this session, Dr. Emery discussed results from her research on the role of urban green space in providing food, resilience for climate change adaptation, and sustaining cultures.
March 21, 2012 – Tree Selection & Growth: Opportunities for Phytotechnologies in Urban Areas
This webcast, featured Dr. Ronald S. Zalesny Jr., U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, who provided an in-depth discussion of the opportunities that exist to use phytotechnologies to improve water quality, soil health, and biodiversity of urban areas. Key to the success of such systems is the enhancement of ecosystem services and achievement of sustainable social and economic
February 29, 2012 - “ALB in Massachusetts: The Battle Continues”
This webcast featured an update on the continued advancement of the Asian Longhorned Beetle in Worcester County, Massachusetts. The infestation is the largest and most widespread occurrence of the ALB, to date in the U.S., and has been the focus of a multi-agency control and eradication effort. Julie Coop, of the Massashusetts DCR and Clint McFarland of USDA-APHIS were the presenters for this webcast session.
May 18, 2011 – “Trees Rock in Rock”
This UNRI Informational session, featuring, Christopher Starbuck, University of Missouri and Orjan Stal, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. This webcast introduced the latest advancements in tree planting techniques, including an innovative technique that utilize stone aggregates as major portion of the planting medium, as well as a closer look at the process of bare root planting on a year round basis. The tools introduced in the webcast represent the latest research findings related to cost-affordable urban forest planting techniques.
April 20, 2011 – “Social Networking Tools: Developing New Audiences”
This UNRI Informational session, featuring Melaine R. Kirk, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Extension Urban Forestry Specialist, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, provided an overview of utilizing social networking tools to communicate and develop new audiences for urban natural resource programs and outreach. The session examined a direct application of the latest social networking tools and tcchniques, in an important, effective and relevant manner. Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools were discussed.
March 23, 2011 – “Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) Analysis: Using the Results Effectively in Your Community“
This UNRI Informational Webcast provided an overview of utilizing information and results from an Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) study as a tool in the development of more effective urban forest management in your community. This web session featured a summary of how UTC data can be used to effectively communicate information on the importance of trees in a community. This web session is sure to be of interest to a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from city planners, urban foresters, arborists, and natural resource practitioners, since it provides technical and strategic information related to improving the urban forest health in a community.
March 2011 – “Planting a New Urban Forest: Using Aerial Sketch Mapping for ALB Reforestation in Worcester, MA“
This UNRI Informational Webcast, featuring introduced the use of aerial sketch mapping as a useful tool in planning, planting and reforestation efforts in Worcester, Massachusetts, which has been devastated by the infestation of Asian Longhorned Beetles (ALB). This web session will feature an overview of the use of the sketch mapping protocols developed by the Forest Service in Durham, New Hampshire in cooperation with the MA Dept of Conservation and Recreation, the City of Worcester, MA and APHIS. This web session included presentations by members of the USDA Forest Service and the Massachusetts Dept of Environmental Conservation.
February 2011 – “Red Fields to Green Fields”
This UNRI Informational Webcast, featuring Kevin Caravati, Georgia Tech University, introduced the Red Fields to Green Fields Initiative, which is a public/private effort to convert excess, financially distressed commercial real estate into greenspace and urban forest. The research project was initiated by Georgia Tech in Atlanta in July 2009 and has been expanded to 10 additional cities in the US. Scientists, engineers, economists, policy makers, and a broad range of stakeholders are engaged on this national effort to address economic challenges and the potential opportunities.
February 2011 – “Assessing Invasive Exotic Plants in Urban Forests“
This Special UNRI Informational Webcast, which was presented in cooperation with Southern Region of US Forest Service, Urban Forestry South, National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council and the University of Kentucky, outlined new and innovative tools to assesses invasive species in urban forests. The webcast featured Dr. Songlin Fei, Universtiy of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
The second UNRI Informational Webcast of January 2011 featured Joseph LaForest, M.S., Bugwood Network, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, who discussed how images are a vital resource for people providing education in arboriculture and urban forestry. The session will outline how ISA has partnered with the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health’s Bugwood Network at the University of Georgia to grow a vibrant and expansive selection of high-resolution images that are freely available for use in educational materials.
January 2011 - Webcast #1 – “Planning for a New Approach to Street Tree Planting“
The January 2011 UNRI Informational Webcast, featured “Planning for a New Approach to Street Tree Planting”, featuring Mr. Stan Kcohanoff, who delivered a session which builds upon his presentation at the 2010 ISA Annual Conference in Chicago. Urban foresters and municipal arborists continue to struggle with planting trees in narrow medians between curb and sidewalks and under utility lines from plans drawn up by engineers and municipal planners. Most of our planning today for residential and commercial development on street frontages is based on how many houses we can pack into a given area (minimum square footage) or how big of a commercial building can be placed on given lot with limited street frontage.
December 2010 – “Oakville, Ontario: EAB Management Strategies”
The December 2010 UNRI Informational Webcast, presented new and innovative methods for managing the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) that are being utilized in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. The webcast will feature a team of speakers and scientists who are working on Emerald Ash Borer identification and protection initiatives in Canada. The web session outlined work that is currently underway in Oakville, as well as featured some interesting work being undertaken by the Canadian Forest Service and its partners. Speakers for this webcast included: Krista Ryall, Canadian Forest Service; Ian Hanou, AMEC Earth and Environmental Inc.; John McNeil, Town of Oakville; Joe Meating, BioForest Technologies. The Moderator for the session was Gordon Mann, Mann Made Resources, Auburn, California, USA.
October 2010 – Estimating Tree Health: A Better Way“
This webcsat session, “Estimating Tree Health: A Better Way” was delivered on October 27, 2010. The webcast outlined a new and innovative method for examining a tree’s health. Based on extensive field work and research, this presentation offers a simple but effective method for estimating the biological health of urban trees. Six categorical choices are made for different aspects of the tree crown, resulting in a portrait of the tree’s level of net primary production (NPP)–i.e., its ability to produce what is needed to resist stress. This webcast replay may be useful to anyone interested in a rapid but analytic analysis of this important quality of our urban and community forests. The webcast session fetaure Dr. Jerry Bond, Vice-President of Urban Forestry, LLC., who recently presented this research at the 2010 ISA Conference in Chicago.
September 2010 – “The GreenStreets Program of New York City“
“The GreenStreets program of New York City” webcast was delivered on September 29, 2010, and featured Adriana Jacykewycz, Director, NY City Parks & Recreation Greenstreets Program. This webcast session featured this innovative initiative That converts areas of unused roadbed into planting beds filled with trees, shrubs, and perennials. GreenStreets increase canopy cover and mitigate street flooding, in line with long-term sustainability goals. The program has received federal stimulus funding to pilot stormwater-capture technologies at 26 new Greenstreets in flood-prone neighborhoods. Sites are designed to actively redirect runoff into the planting bed for on-site storage and irrigation of plants. Join this session to see the latest advances in urban stormwater management being employed in one of the nation’s largest cities.
May 2010 – “Citizen Science Monitoring Programs“
“Citizen Science Monitoring Programs” was delivered on May 24, 2010, and was moderated by Kate Forrer, University of Vermont Extension. This session featured a panel of speakers who discussed best practices for developing and managing a citizen science monitoring program (CSM). This session will highlight four Citizen Monitoring Programs using various best practices to educate and engage citizen scientists (CS) in early detection and ongoing monitoring of invasive pests. The session will feature Travis Gallo (Invaders of Texas), Angela Gupta (Minnesota Forest Pest First Detectors), Sarah Kirn (Vital Signs (ME)), and Jennifer Schwarz Ballard (Project Budburt (Chicago)). Presenters will discuss program framework, recruitment and training strategies, and tools to manage and communicate with volunteers.
April 2010 – “Integrating Urban Trees into Stormwater Infrastructure“
“Integrating Urban Trees into Stormwater Infrastructure” was deliverrd on April 28, 2010 by Susan Downing Day, Ph.D., Virginia Tech. Managing stormwater on site is a centerpiece of Low Impact Development (LID) practices and also a critical component of SITESTM, the new voluntary certification program for sustainable sites. Where do urban trees fit into these approaches? Although the benefits of urban trees for stormwater mitigation are well known, techniques for integrating trees directly into on-site stormwater management systems present new challenges. In this webcast we will discuss some of these challenges and focus on recent research developing a system to integrate trees into structural soil stormwater reservoirs under pavement.
February 2010 – “Learning from Social Networks: A Study in Landowner Decision Making“
“Sustainable Urban Forest Management Planning Using Criteria and Indicators”, was presented on February 24th, 2010, and featured David B. Kittredge, PhD, Professor and Extension Forester at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. This webcast presented the findings of a study recently completed by a team of scientists, who examined how private landowners obtain information on the stewardship and management of their forest landscapes.
January 2010 – “Sustainable Urban Forest Management Planning Using Criteria and Indicators”
“Sustainable Urban Forest Management Planning Using Criteria and Indicators”, was presented on January 27, 2010, and featured Philip van Wassenaer, B.Sc, MFC, Urban Forest Innovations Inc. , Mississauga, Ontario and Andy Kenney Ph.D., RPF, Faculty of Forestry , University of Toronto , Toronto, Ontario. The presentation showcased a successful model for strategic urban forest management planning in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
December 2009 – “The Top 10 List: Key Resources for Your Bookshelf and Library “
“The Top 10 List” webcast was presented on December 8, 2009 and featured Sharon Lilly of the International Society of Arboriculture. This session introduced a few of the ’staples’ of the tree care industry, epic community forestry resources and other useful books that every tree steward will be interested in reviewing.
December 2009 – “Incorporating Trees into Urban Rainwater Management Systems “
“Incoporating Trees into Urban Rainwater Management Systems’ webcast was presented on December 2, 2009 and featured Peter MacDonagh, ASLA. This well attended session discussed how urban foresters and arborists can be important initiators of the use of trees for rainwater management, but need more information to discuss options and make reasonable proposals during the budget and design stages of urban development. This session introduced that basic understanding.
November 2009 (2) – “Urban Forest Storm Strike Team”
“The Urban Forest Urban Forest Strike Team” webcast was presented on November 12, 2009 and featured a team of speakers, who outlined the this storm response tool for use during disaster situations. The session provides a national, regional and local perspective on this process, and includes examples of recent storm events.
November 2009 – “Tree Report Card”
“A Model Assessment: The First Annual Tree Report Card for Washington DC” webcast was presented on November 10, 2009, and featured Michael Galvin, Casey Trees, Washington, DC. This webcast session provides an overview of this assessment process that can serve as a model for other communities and organizations to follow
October 2009 – “Bacterial Leaf Scorch”
“Bacterial Leaf Scorch: An Update” informational webcast was presented on October 28, 2009, and featured Ann Brooks Gould, Ph.D., Ruters University. The session presented an update on the host range, vector relationships, disease detection, and management tools used in addressing BLS. . Wednesday, October 28th, 11:00 AM (Eastern) with Ann Brooks Gould, PhD, Rutgers University
September 2009 – “Using Geospatial Data”
“Using Geospatial Data for Urban Forestry” informational webcast, was presented by Dr. David Nowak and Phillip Rodbell, USDA Forest Service. The session presented a dynamic, interactive overview of the latest tools that are being used to prepare timely, accurate and easy to understand reports on the natural resources found in a community or region. Also, sources of information and datasets were outlined, as well as how this information can be used to address your assessment, analysis or management needs. Also, i-Tree Vue, a new, interactive tool for data analysis and reporting was introduced.
August 2009 – “Working with Municipal Commissions”
“Working with Municipal Commissions” was delivered by Dr. Bill Elmendorf, Penn State University, on August 25, 2009, and introduced a new publication resource that can be used by municipal managers to address the sustainable care of the urban natural resources in their community. This webcast will serve as an introduction to working with municipal commissions, and the use of the publication as a resource for communities that are striving to create more sustainable natural resource management programs.
August 2009 – ‘New Products Showcase’ – Street Tree Master Plan
New Products Showcase: “The Road to a Thoughtful Street Tree Master Plan“, featuring an update to this practical guide to systematic planning and design. The manual has been prepared to assist decision makers such as elected officials, city foresters, city engineers, urban planners, and landscape architects with the development of a thoughtful street tree master plan.
July 2009 – ‘New Products Showcase’ – Maryland Tree Registry & Tree Benefits Calculator
New Products Showcase: “MD Tree Registry & Tree Benefits Calculator“, featuring the new interactive, web-based tools, developed by the Maryland DNR and its partners, was showcased in this webcast. The tree registry enables Maryland residents to register multiple trees and aggregate their collective benefits using real time, locally generated costs.
April 2009 – ‘New Products Showcase’ – The Tree Owner’s Manual
“New Products Showcase: Tools for Urban and Community Forestry”, featuring the newly released publication, ‘Tree Owner’s Manual’ developed by the US Forest Service Northeastern Area, featuring Jill Johnson, Urban Forester, US Forest Service, St. Paul, MN.
“The Restoration of Freshkills from Landfill to Park: Setting a Research Agenda” , featuring Erika Svendsen and Lindsay Campbell, US Forest Service, NYC Urban Field Station with Eloise Hirsh, Freshkills Park Administrator and Carrie Grassi, Land Use Review & Outreach Manager.
March 2009 – ALB in Worcester, MA
“An Urban Forest Under Attack: Asian Longhorned Beetle in Worcester, Massachusetts” will feature Ken Gooch, MA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation and Clint McFarland, USDA, APHIS.
March 2009 - ’New Products Showcase’ Inaugural Webcast
“New Products Showcase: Tools for Urban and Community Forestry”, featuring the newly released publication, ‘Planning the Urban Forest: Ecology, Economy and Community Development’ developed by the American Planning Association, American Forests, the International Society of Arboriculture and the U.S. Forest Service.
“Trees and Ice Storms: Developing Ice Storm Resistant Urban Tree Populations” with Richard Hauer, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, who introduces the issue of making urban forests less susceptible to the damage from ice storms and winter weather events.
“NEURON (Northeastern Urban Research Organizational Network) Conference Preview”. This webcasts provides a preview of this year’s conference, “Watershed approaches to urban stream rehabilitation: Practice, Education and Research”, which will be held in Boston, MA in February 2009.
“A Threat to Our Water: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products” by Pat Lupo, LEI Earthforce, Erie, PA, Sana Sukkari, LECOM School of Pharmacy, Eire, PA and Sara N. Grise, Pennsylvania Sea Grant, Harrisburg, PA
“E-TRAC: Electronic Tree Risk Assessment Software Tools” by Donna M. Murphy, US Forest Service, Northeastern Area.
“Using Surveys to Understand urban Forestry” by Thomas Treiman, Natural Resource Economist, Missouri Department of Conservation.
“Deep Roots Research”, by Gary Johnson, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Extension Professor
July 2008
“Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) Case Studies” with Doug Still, City Forester of Providence, Rhode Island and Ian Hanou, NCDC Imaging & Mapping.
June 2008
“Stormwater Management and Urban Watersheds” with Vincent Cotrone, Penn State Extenison.
May 2008
“STEW-MAP: Using social-spatial-network analysis to understand urban environmental stewardship in New York City and beyond” with Lindsay Campbell and Erika Svendsen, US Forest Service, New York City.
“The Urban Heat Island Effect” with Cynthia E. Rosenzweig, Ph.D., NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York City.
March 2008
“Tree Boards and Tree Commissions: A Guide to Establishment and Use” with Dr. William William Elmendorf, Penn State University.
February 2008
Utilizing Urban Wood Resources, with Charles W. Becker III, Utilization & Marketing Manager, Virginia Department of Forestry.
January 2008
Green Roofs and More: The Urban Ecology Collaborative in Pittsburgh, with Melanie Tuck, Chatham University & Danielle Crumrine, Executive Director, Friends of the Pittsburgh Urban Forest
December 2007
Urban Forestry and Human Benefits, with Kathleen L. Wolf, Ph.D., Research Director, Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, University of Washington.
November 2007
Urban Forestry in New York City: A Greener, Greater New York, with Fiona Watt, Director of Forestry and Horticulture, NY City Parks & Recreation Department, New York City, NY
October 2007
Using UFORE in Hartford, CT: A Practial Approach to Data Collection, with Chris Donnelly, Urban Forestry Coordinator, Connecticut DEP, Hartford, CT
September 2007
Early Pest Detection in Our Communities: The Role of the Municipal Arborist, with Robert Benjamin, Outreach Coordinator, USDA APHIS, Lombard, IL
March 2007
State Urban Forest Assessments, with David J. Nowak, Eric Greenfield, & Jeffrey Walton, USDA Forest Service, Syracuse, NY
February 2007
Urban Tree Canopy (UTC): New Approaches to Assessment, Management and Modeling, with Morgan Grove, Ph.D., USDA Forest Service, Burlington, VT and Jarlath O’Neil-Dunne, Ph.D., University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
January 2007
Handheld Computer Technology, with Robert Sacks, Ph.D., Principal, Bluejay Software Associates, East Longmeadow, MA and David Bloniarz, Ph.D., USDA Forest Service, Amherst, MA
November 2006
Emerald Ash Borer – A Status Report, by Dr. Therese Poland, USDA Forest Service, East Lansing, MI
September 2006
The Living Memorials Project: A Project Update by Erika Svendsen and Lindsay Campbell, USDA Forest Service, New York City, NY
August 2006
The Wildland/Urban Interface by Dr. Susan Stewart, USDA Forest Service, Evanston, IL
July 2006
Tree Response to Injury by Dr. Kevin Smith, USDA Forest Service, Durham, NH
June 2006
Storm Preparedness and Damage Assessment by Dudley Hartel, USDA Forest Service and Dr. Jerry Bond, The Davey Institute.
May 2006
Urban Growth, Opportunities and Air Quality by Dr. David Nowak, USDA Forest Service, Syracuse, NY
April 2006
Tree Canopy and UV Radiation by Dr. Gordon Heisler, USDA Forest Service, Syracuse, NY
March 2006
The i-Tree Software Suite by Dr. David Bloniarz, Forest Service, Amherst, MA