October 2008


E-TRAC: Electronic Tree Risk Assessment Calculator

This webcast, delivered by Donna Murphy, US Forest Service Northeastern Area, introduced this new computerized system for inventory, archiving and priortization of Risk Trees in a community.  The software, which operates on a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), is designed to provide the user with an easy to use, hand held computerized device to collect, assess and archive information on risk trees in the landscape. E-TRAC was developed by the Forest Service Northeastern Area and the Northern Research Station, and represents a major advancement in risk tree assessment field surveys. The presentation will demonstrate the software, and illustrate how the tool can be use in conjunction with the Forest Service’s publication, Urban Tree Risk Management: A Community Guide to Program Design and Implementation.

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You can view this month’s webcast below using the embedded video viewer. Just click on Play and the video will start momentarily. Alternatively, you may download a copy to your own PC. Simply right-click on the provided link and save the presentation to your desktop or other appropriate directory. You can then open the file once it is downloaded and view it by using the default Windows Media Player software.

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Northern Research Station
United States Department of Agriculture
USDA Forest Service


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