2019 Univ of Massachusetts Community Forestry Conference
40th Annual UMass Community Tree Conference – Species Selection in the Urban Landscape: Professional Perspectives
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 – 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Stockbridge Hall, UMass Amherst
Conference Presentations for Download or Viewing
Just click on the title of any presentation below, and you can view or download a PDF copy of the presentation slides.
Choosing Trees for Storm Resistance
Alex Sherman, MCA, Tree Warden, City of Springfield
Email: asherman@springfieldcityhall.com
Creating Habitat for Birds in Urban Settings
Desirée Narango, Ph.D., Advanced Science Research Center, City University of New York
Email: dnarango@gmail.com
Twitter: @DLNarango
Selecting Trees to Improve Public Health in the City
Neil Angus, AICP, Devens Enterprise Commission
Email: neilangus@devensec.com
Climate Change at the Local Level: Trees in the Urban Landscape
Matthew Cahill, MA DCR, Program Director, Greening the Gateway Cities Program
Email: mathew.cahill@state.ma.us
Insects and Disease: Strategic Approaches to Managing Threats
Jennifer Forman-Orth, Ph.D., Environmental Biologist, MDAR
Email: Jennifer.forman-orth@state.ma.us
Expert Perspectives: Evaluating the Species Selections of our Panelists
Brian Kane, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Email: bkane@eco.umass.edu
David Bloniarz, Ph.D, US Forest Service
Email: bloniarz@eco.umass.edu
Useful Links Noted During the Conference
Massachusetts Introduced Pests
A Health Impact Assessment of the Lawrence Green Streets Program